[AF038LP] Scurlage by µ-Ziq

Neue Musik von µ-Ziq! Rapid Fire Drum Programming at it’s best… Sehr gute Nachricht hab gar nicht gemerkt wie sehr ich Mike Paradinas in seiner Paraderolle vermisst habe.


Der ‚hellblaue‘ Bandcamp Stack war schnell vergriffen. Bleep hat noch ein ‚translucent blue‘ exclusive. (200) Be Quick!

A victory lap thrown down by a masterful producer, re-entering the scene to show us how it’s done.

!!! Mike Paradinas first album of new material since 2013, written in some rare downtime in the Gower (Wales) during the summer 2020 lockdown. There’s a strange sense of the old and new in Scurlage, the sentimental and utopia. Dive into Paradinas world, yesterday, today and forever.

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