Never released Steven Seagal SNES Game

Ein ganz kleines bisschen trostloser war unsere Welt doch schon, seit die im Jahr 1994 zu ersten mal beschlossen haben das 16 Bit Steven Seagal Video-Game nicht zu veröffentlichen.


Die Handkantenschläge hätten heute für Nostalgie-Wellen gesorgt, so viel ist sicher! ?

Steven Seagal is The Final Option is a game developed by TekMagic and was scheduled for release in 1994. The available beta of the game contains two levels, with the second apparently having no end. After its SNES cancellation, the game was scheduled to be released for the PlayStation and Nintendo 64, but was ultimately mercifully canceled again. The game also featured apparent load times, and these were largely cut out of the video to allow the video to run under YouTube’s video length limit.


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