Reverse Turing Test

In Botsbotsbots ist es das Ziel einem System aus künstlicher Intelligenz vorzugaukeln, dass du kein Mensch bist.


Aber keine Panik, ist nur ein Spiel. Noch sind wir Menschen in der Überzahl… ;)

botsbotsbots is a reverse Turing test.

in a dystopian future, you’re a hacker who’s managed to hack into a corporation made purely of AI employees. but the system has detected an anomaly! you must blend in with up to 4 other bots in a chatroom to evade detection. after each round, the member voted most likely to be a human will be eliminated.

how can you fool the bots? what are their weaknesses?

source code is here. made with next.js and a bunch of instances of gpt-4o-mini.



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