T1000 Splash-Head Effect

Die ‚StanWinstonSchool‘ hat Behind the Scenes Material zu den Flüssigmetall-Effekten des T1000 aus Terminator 2 veröffentlicht. Handgemachte Effekte sind und bleiben immer noch die besten.


Und den Beteiligten hat das bestimmt auch viel mehr Spaß gemacht als den Darstellen heute, die eigentlich die Hälfe der Drehzeit vor irgendwelchen Greenscreens herumstehen müssen.

We are so used to computer-generated special effects in movies that we sometimes forget how difficult and ingenious old-school practical effects were. Terminator 2: Judgment Day came out 30 years ago. Recall when gunshots were fired at the T-1000 terminator, which was made of an intelligent liquid metal. Bullets wouldn’t stop him, they just made a metallic „splash“ on his surface. That wasn’t CGI at all! Instead, those were foam rubber and metal splashes that burst from the actor’s clothing, created by master effects artist Stan Winston. You can see that they worked well in the test footage here, shared by the Stan Winston School of Character Arts.


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(via neatorama)


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