Zeldawave: Generations

Bester Zeldawave seit langem: Flowed enorm…


Besonders erwähnenswert ist hier zur Abwechslung mal das YouTube Video dazu. Glitchy in Game Szenen in VHS Optik, toll zusammengebaut. Da hat sich mal jemand Mühe gemacht.

I’ve always wanted to do a project featuring The Legend of Zelda ever since I first got inspired to start making these after stumbling upon Polygon Dream’s Zeldawave one late night on YouTube. However, instead of targeting just one game this time, I decided to pull from an entire era of gaming — picking and choosing some of favorite songs from all the previous 3D Zelda games and transforming them into a vaporwave-esque/lo-fi hip-hop adventure of sensory nostalgia.


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