Donkey Kong ROM Hacking

Wenn Paul Goes nichts zu tun hat bastelt er custom Donkey Kong Iterationen und erfindet neue Spiel-Konzepte für Nintendo’s Videospiel-Klassiker.


Auf seiner Website bietet er seine Hacks (die ROM’s müsst ihr euch woanders besorgen) für diverse Emulatoren aber auch die Möglichkeit seine Kreationen im Browser zu spielen. Richtig nice finde ich z.B, Donkey Kong Pac-Man, bei dem beide Games quasi gemerged werden.

Love it!

In 2019 I discovered the Donkey Kong Hacking Kit which contains a disassembly of the Donkey Kong arcade game with comments on the inner workings of the game. I learned that the Donkey Kong game is based on the Z80 processor and uses the same assembly language that I used on the TRS-80 back in the eighties. The first thing was to read the disassembly and look how things worked. But the game programmer in me woke up and almost immediately I started thinking of possibilities to alter and to add to the game.


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