
Fragen wir uns besser nicht welchen Sinn es haben könnte vier Retro-Games gleichzeitig unter iOS zu spielen. Akzeptieren wir einfach die Tatsache das es geht.


Quadracade bietet nicht mehr und nicht weniger und erscheint diesen Freitag im AppStore.

In Quadracade, you have to play four games at once! With a collection of more than 30 game cartridges to collect (and more to come), you’ll have to keep an eye on which games are being switched in and out to truly master the game.

Watch out for powerups, which can help slow the game or increase your score. Use your switch power to switch out any games which you are losing in, giving you a reset and a new game, to continue on your high score.

Collect in-game coins to unlock more game cartridges to play. See which cartridges combine together best/pick your favourites to play in the arcade.


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