Robotic Mouth chants endless AI Generated Prayers

Ein animatronic Gummi-Mund der live im Moment, autogenerierte Gebete und Chants spricht. Die Installation von Diemut Strebe ist zur Zeit noch im Centre Pompidou in Paris zu sehen.


Also wenn es so etwas wie einen Empfänger hierfür geben sollte, dann könnte man es als Gott-Trolling bezeichnen. Hoffen wir mal es gibt Spam-Filter im Chant-Postfach ;)

The Prayer is an art-installation that tries to explore the supernatural through artificial intelligence with a long-term experimental set up. A robot – installation operates a talking mouth, that is part of a computer system, creating and voicing prayers, that are generated in every very moment by the self-learning system itself, exploring ‘the divine’ the supernatural or ‘the noumenal’ as the mystery of ‘the unknown’, using deep learning.

How would a divine epiphany appear to an artificial intelligence? The focus of the project could maybe shed light on the difference between humans and AI machines in the debate about mind and matter and allows a speculative stance on the future of humans in the age of AI technology and AGI ambitions. Above an anticipation of AI Singing with AI generated texts, since singing is a major religious practice.

The Prayer is presented in the show “Neurons, Simulated Intelligence”, at Centre Pompidou, Paris, curated by Frédéric Migayrou and Camille Lenglois from 26 February – 26 April 2020. The Prayer is an art-installation that tries to explore the supernatural through artificial intelligence


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