Grab a remastered ‚Final Fantasy VII‘ Mod for free

Remako Mod ist ein Fanprojekt, dass den Texturen der Original Final Fantasy VII PC Version mittels AI eine höhere Auflösung und knackigere Farben spendiert. Version 1.0. gibt es jetzt kostenlos zum download.


Natürlich warten alle gerade gespannt auf das groß angelegte FFVII Remake, doch wer weiss schon genau ob es den Charme des Originals auch wirklich einfängt. Das hier tut es jedoch ganz bestimmt. Remako Mod gibt es hier.

Im Video unten seht ihr die Verbesserungen in Aktion:

  • AI neural networks upscaled the game’s visuals to 4x the resolution of the original Final Fantasy VII.
  • Pretty much everything has been upscaled, from battle screens to overworld textures, environment backgrounds and even the game’s pre-rendered full-motion video sequences.
  • It works with every PC version of FFVII, including the Steam release, Square Enix store release and even the CD-based original.

Return to a Midgar like you’ve never seen before, in this faithfully remastered graphics mod for Final Fantasy VII (PC). The Remako HD Graphics Mod features improved graphics with 4x the resolution of the original. This was accomplished by using state-of-the-art neural networks to upscale the game’s graphics. The mod improves the quality of among other things the pre-rendered backgrounds, battle, world textures, as well as the game’s full-motion videos (FMVs). Remako is also compatible with many other mods, such as The Reunion (R03C) or 3D model mods, for the ultimate Final Fantasy 7 experience. Remako Mod is compatible with all PC versions of FF7: the CD original, the Square Enix Store version and the Steam release.


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