hinako omori: a journey…

Debut Album der in London lebenden Japanerin Hinako Omori. Eine ansprechende musikalische Collage aus Field Recordings, Synth-Experimenten und Elementen aus der Sound-Therapie.


Klingt fantastisch und hat in der Tat irgendwie eine Gehirn-schmelzende Wirkung. Es kommt ein Stack auf weißem Vinyl

London-based artist Hinako Omori has announced details of her forthcoming debut full-length album, ‘a journey…’, to be released on March 18th. The release will be celebrated with a special performance on March 19th in the Purcell Room at London’s Southbank Centre accompanied by London Contemporary Orchestra. “a journey through the cartography of the mind, piecing together past events which seem to appear differently each time – revisiting memories, and healing cognitive distortions”

~ Hinako Omori „The video is an ode to the lush and immersive soundscape. Inspired and guided by nature, the collected footage captures environmental glimpses that evoke fragments of personal memory. A risograph-printed analog treatment echoes the voice in fleeting moments.” ~ Emi Takahashi (Video Director)


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