Mac DeMarco – Panache Village of Love Virtual Concert

Mac DeMarco nahm am ‚VILLAGE OF LOVE Planned Parenthood Benefit Concert‚ teil, dass am 25. Oktober stattfand. Hier ein Mittschnitt, der hoffentlich online bleibt.


Online und hochkarätig Besetzer Event neben Mac z.B. mit Angel Olsen, Devendra Banhart oder Kevin Morby. Mac versucht sich an Frank Sinatra 😺

Panache is excited to announce their first Online VILLAGE OF LOVE Planned Parenthood Benefit. In the last eight years, Panache has hosted the event in multiple cities on Valentine’s Day. This past February 2020, the event raised over $40,000. Panache is thrilled to be joining forces with their friends at Like Management & to organize the online debut of Village of Love.


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