The Third Place – Playstation David Lynch TV Ad

Im Jahr 2000 hat David Lynch einen Werbespot für Sony’s PlayStation 2 gedreht. ‚The Third Place‘ ist der eine surreale Fixpunkt der Videogame Ad Geschichte und es gibt ein Making-of.


Entstanden ein Jahr vor Mulholland Drive, sehen wir hier einen Regisseur auf dem Höhepunkt seines Schaffens, mal eben dabei, das seinerzeit noch eher piefig angehauchte Thema Videospiele auf einen neue künstlerische Ebene zu heben.

Having worked on set in just about every assistant role, I finally got signed. I was 24 and it was easy to think having worked for so many impressive directors, that I wasn’t bullish or hard enough to be a director. I was living with my parents watching films endlessly having to try and convince my mum that I was actually working. The next minute I’m in LA filming this. Meeting David Lynch, seeing how he worked so playfully and politely made me realise there are lots of ways to direct and be a director. It couldn’t have been better. 15 years later I’m still directing and still full of memories of this lovely man and the time spent seeing him make.

(via welcometotwinpeaks)

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