A Cherry Pie That’ll Kill Ya

Sehr stimmungsvolle Twin Peaks Animation vom Antfood einen Creative Studio aus Brooklyn mit einem ebenfalls sehr mystischen Score.


Love it!

Directed by BUCK

Executive Creative Director: Orion Tait
Creative Director: Gareth O’Brien
Executive Producers: Anne Skopas, Erica Ford
Art Director: Lucas Brooking
Producers: Fiona Patterson, Emily Nelson, Kitty Dillard
Lead Design: Lara Lee
Design: Lucas Brooking, Josh Edwards, Saiman Chow, Thomas Schmid
Previs: Lara Lee, Mathijs Luijten, Josh Edwards, Greg Sharp, Alex Grigg, Ivan Dixon, Mark Russell
Animation: Lara Lee, Josh Edwards, Mathijs Luijten, Olivia Blanc, Harry Teitelman, Joe Sparkes, Mateo Mazzini, Rasmus Bak, William Trebution, Jaedoo Lee, Jose Fuentes, Amelia Giller, Tim Beckhart
Original Music & Sound Design: Antfood



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