Art Bits from HyperCard

Die in ‚HyperCard‘ (ein teilw. kostenlos zu Mac’s dazugegebenes Development Kit aus dem Jahr 1987), integrierte Library sog. ‚Art Bits‘ versammelt auf dieser Website zum bestaunen und benutzen.


Vieles davon eine Augenweide! Erstaunlich was mit so begrenzten Mitteln alles geht. Erklärt warum viele spätere Design Ikonen zu den frühen Apple Usern gehörten.

Long-time Macintosh users likely remember HyperCard, Apple’s strange hypermedia system that was sorta like a cross between index cards, web pages, and 90s interactive edutainment software. HyperCard left a pretty big legacy for the Web to come, influencing everything from JavaScript to wikis to the pointing finger thing for links on pages to fuckin‘ Myst.

Apple packaged in some sample HyperCard stacks to get people up to speed with the software, including one called „Art Bits“, which included a ton of sample clip art for use in your own stacks. This stack is fantastic for showing off just how much Apple could do with two colors.


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