Minimalist Office Suite in a Browser

Mit so wenig Code wie möglich ein eine ‚Office-like‘ Experience  im Browser bauen? Ok challenge accepted. Wer bock hat etwas rumzunerden Bitteschön: World smallest Office Suite.


We are all familiar with a traditional office suite – a word processor, a spreadsheet, a presentation program, maybe a diagramming or note-taking app. We have seen it all in Microsoft Office and Google Docs. Those are really powerful and large. But what would be the most minimal amount of code required to build an office suite?

Der Texteditor ist schonmal recht einfach. Danach muss auch das Nerd-Level angehoben werden. Sehr nice Sache: Gebt mal folgendes ins Browserfenster ein:

data:text/html,<html contenteditable>

Copy and paste it into your URL bar. Use Ctrl+B for bold and Ctrl+I for italic.

(via boingboing)


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