Omnichord chill jam đ
Im Jahr 1982 brachte die Suzuki Musical Instrument Corporation diese eigenartige Elektrische Harfe auf dem Markt. Um die ‚Omnichord weht bis heute der Wind von glorreichem Kitsch. Gespielt wurde sie unter anderem von Brian Eno, David Bowie oder Cindy Lauper.
YouTuber Simoneister gibt uns ein Omnichord-Chillwave-Ständchen. Was kann man sich denn noch mehr wßnschen?
The Omnichord is an electronic musical instrument introduced in 1981 by the Suzuki Musical Instrument Corporation.[1] It typically features a touch plate known as „SonicStrings“, preset rhythms, auto-bass line functionality, and buttons for major, minor, and 7th chords. The most basic method of playing the instrument is to press the chord buttons and swipe the SonicStrings with a finger in imitation of strumming a stringed instrument. The SonicStrings may also be touched in one place to create a single note. Originally designed as an electronic Autoharp, the Omnichord has become popular, due to its unique, chiming, harplike timbre and its value as a kitsch object.
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