ARCA: Prada/Rakata

Zwei neue KICKii Songs in einem Clip. Weirder geht’s kaum. Doch natürlich hat die Künstlerin eine Erklärung dafür.


Nachdem die Jungs und ich uns in der letzten Folge ‚Lost in Vinyl‘ ungefähr zwanzig Minuten über das leicht abscheuliche Cover Art zu Arca’s neuem Werk ausgelassen haben, darf man das Ganze jetzt in anmieten Bildern betrachten (das macht’s nicht besser aber hey das ist Kunst). Vinyl ist leider noch immer nicht in Sicht…

Und ihre Macherin sagt zu den Tracks übrigens das hier meinem Pressestatement:

“​​Prada” is about celebrating psychosexual versatility; a song explicitly about transness and nonbinary modes of relating the sexual energy of the collective subconscious as a celebration of life; it is a song about defying shame and healing ancestral wounds; about the futurity of desire and love as a moebius strip; about kink as an engine, about sex and love, and above all else about simultaneity of being able to surrender and submit as well as being able to overpower and dominate within a collaboratively created space of consent; to throw glitter in the face of barking demons so as to let them know that love spans fully across breadth of mystery of life and death.

“Rakata” is a song about seduction, about wanting to devour the entire world out of a desire to fuck, without shame, free from condemnation, about sex as a life impulse in the face of death; it’s also a wink and nod to the internal heat generated by the hot and humid conditions that birthed Latinx music, a reverence to regeton royalty Wisin y Yandel, tambores venezolanos, the furruco—an instrument I hear as sub bass technology, contemporary Venezuelan folklore, life and eroticism birthed near the heat of the equator.


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