Pareidolia: Faces in Grains of Sand

Pareidolia ist ein Phänomen bei dem der Betrachter in einem Objekt Dinge sieht die dort nicht sind. Die Künstler Erwin Driessens und Maria Verstappen nutzen einen selbstgebauten Suchroboter um Gesichter in Sandkörner zu entdecken.


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Keine Sorge, die creepy faces gibt es garnicht…

Driessens & Verstappen are fascinated by the idea that all the faces of all the people who have ever lived and will ever live, may be found within the enormous quantity of grains of sand existing on earth. And even although finding a face is very rare, you know that innumerable faces are concealed among them. If you search long enough in the well nigh inexhaustible quantity of grains. Pareidolia* is a fully automatic robotic search engine scrutinizing grains of sand in situ. This proceeds as follows: there is a dosing funnel in the machine that sprinkles the sand across a slowly rotating glass disc. The microscope is above the disc and the light comes from under the glass. In addition to the sprinkle funnel, there is a swiper swiping the sand away that has traversed round the circuit, so making space for new grains.


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